The Considerate Group is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and your donation is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
EIN 88-2349334
Giving Campaigns
Community Connection Center
Make difference in our community and beyond, by giving to our Building Campaign. Funds donated to this campaign will help cover the costs to purchase or lease a new, larger headquarter space.
Our vision is for a Community Connection Center that provides a safe space to host small group meetings, grab a cup of coffee with a friend, work remotely without being alone, connect with others in the community, and find information and resources to improve the quality of life for people of all ages. This facility will allow us to have a greater impact in our region in the areas of mental health, hope and healing.
Your Joy Hour donation will go to help cover the costs for food, supplies, games and other items used for our weekly Joy Hour event.
What is Joy Hour? It is a weekly event designed to encourage Connection over Isolation. We provide a safe and welcoming space for individuals and families to connect with each other. We provide food, games, activities and a JOYful atmosphere.
The Considerate Group is now offering recovery classes, with Discover Joy In Recovery. In March of 2023 we began our first Drug and Alcohol recovery class. This class and more will be available for Youth and Adults and are led by our certified facilitators.
Your donation sponsors attendees for the classes, and is used to cover the cost of curriculum, training and overhead connected to these classes. Learn more about our recovery program, by visiting our Recovery page.